First Pennance and First Holy Communion Form
Regular registration ends on July 31st and after that date the late fee will be assessed. You must create an account here, to pay any fees due.
Sacramental Fee: Sacramental fees are collected to pay for the direct costs associated with a sacrament. For First Penance/First Communion, the fee is $60 if paid before July 31 and $75 is paid after that date.
Eligibility for First Penance and First Communion: A child is eligible for First Penance and First Communion if he or she has been baptized Catholic, at least one parent is a practicing Catholic, and the child will have two years of consecutive religious eduction including the year he/his received First Penance and First Communion.
If your child was not baptized at St. Bernadette, please provide a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate upon registration. If you do not have a copy, contact the parish of baptism and have them mail it to St. Bernadette Catholic Church, Religious Education/FirstCommunion, 70 University Blvd., E, Silver Spring, MD 20910. The parish will be happy to mail a copy for you.
If your child was baptized in another Christian community (not Catholic), he or she will need to make a profession of faith sometime before First Penance. Arrangements for the Profession of Faith or any questions regarding eligibility should be directed to the DRE. If your child is NOT Catholic and one parent is, by completing this form you acknowledge that it is your intention that your child make a “Profession of Faith” and become Catholic, thereby becoming eligible to receive the Sacraments and willingly taking on the Responsibility for living a full Catholic life (e.g. regular Mass attendance, Communion, Penance, etc.).