Our Church

Welcome to Saint Bernadette Catholic Church!

Located in the heart of the Four Corners area of Silver Spring, Maryland, our parish strives on a daily basis to bring the presence of the Risen Lord Jesus and the richness and truths of our Catholic faith to all those we encounter.

From the celebrations of the Holy Eucharist and the sacraments, to our parochial school and religious education programs infused with the Gospel, to our extensive outreach to those less fortunate among us, Saint Bernadette is a vibrant community marked by the generosity and joyous hearts of our parishioners.

Our close-knit parish family is a wonderful cross-section of generations: from newcomers to the area to life-long residents, as well as families with young children to singles and to those older founding members who built the parish and set a strong tradition of faithfulness to Christ and His Church.We welcome you if you are stopping by for a visit or if you are interested in making Saint Bernadette your parish home. Either way, we invite you to meet the Risen Lord Jesus whose true presence in the Holy Eucharist blesses us, strengthens us and challenges us to take His Good News to the entire world.

Commitment to Liturgical Music


To securely make a gift to Saint Bernadette Church, text a dollar amount to (301)-433-7424. You will be asked to complete a one-time registration page with your billing and contact information. After this registration, you can give any time by texting a dollar amount to this phone number.

Regular Mass Times

Holy Mass
Saturday 7:30 AM & 5:00 PM (for Sunday)
Sunday 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 AM
Monday – Thursday 6:30 AM & 5:00 PM
Friday 6:30 AM & 8:30 AM

Federal Holiday Schedule
Monday, Jan 20
Monday, Feb 17
Mass at 11:00 AM only


Saturdays 8:15 – 9:15 AM & 3:30 – 4:30 PM


Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Fridays 4:00 – 8:00 PM
Last Sunday of the Month 6:00 – 10:00 PM

Upcoming Events
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