The St. Bernadette Parish Fall Festival is one of the most beloved and time-honored community events in the close-in Silver Spring area. Held on a Sunday afternoon on our large field, friends from several surrounding neighborhoods in Silver Spring bring their families to enjoy an afternoon of fun, food, and fellowship. As wonderful as these things are, the St. Bernadette Fall Festival is more than pumpkins, bounce-houses, and cake walks. First and foremost, the festival is an invitation – all are invited to gather and strengthen our community in good will towards one another.
We invite members of our community to support the St. Bernadette Fall Festival with a monetary donation to help off-set the cost of the Fall Festival. While a donation of any amount is greatly appreciated, we are offering several exciting sponsorship levels.
Platinum Sponsor – Sponsors who wish to donate $350 or more will be a sponsor of one of our Fall Festival activities (Pony Rides, Carnival Games, Country Store, Boy Scouts Ropes Course, Bounce House, Cake Walk, etc.) where we will exclusively feature your business logo and information on signage next to the respective Fall Festival activity; will have their business name on the coveted Fall Festival Cup (new, bigger cup and design this year!); Verbal recognition at Fall Festival by the DJ and recognition on St. Bernadette social media. We will accept requests for which activity sponsors wish to sponsor and will do our best to meet those requests but cannot guarantee all activities will be available.
Gold Sponsor – Sponsors who wish to donate $250 will have their business name on the coveted Fall Festival Cup (new, bigger cup and design this year!); Verbal recognition at Fall Festival by the DJ and recognition on St. Bernadette social media.
Silver Sponsor – Sponsors who wish to donate $100 will have their business verbally recognized at the Fall Festival by the DJ and recognition on St. Bernadette social media.
On behalf of our parish, thank you for your time and considering to be a part of our Fall Festival. Deadline to send in donations is Friday, September 23rd though the sooner we have your sponsorship, the sooner we can put your logo on our website, etc. Please make your check payable to: St. Bernadette Church, with Fall Festival Sponsorship in the memo line. Checks may be mailed or delivered to the Rectory at:
ATTN: Ron Farias, Finance
St. Bernadette Church
70 University Blvd. E
Silver Spring, MD
If you write a check, please make it payable to St. Bernadette Church with “Fall Festival Fund” in the memo line.